1. <track id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></track>
      <tbody id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></tbody>

      <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track>
              <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track><menuitem id="kokqw"></menuitem>


                Creative Description:

                The stained glass of the Florence Cathedral, the intricate art of the Ponte Vecchio, the Fountain of Neptune…

                Kimberlite’s designers have been deeply inspired by the legends behind the Florence, and have made use of a range of vintage techniques, including pearl yarn, raw silk, and metal micro-carving. 

                Combined with our trademark craftsmanship, we have honored the exquisite, precious, immortal classics of the past to express an undying romance.

                Related Products

                position:Home>Diamond Categories >Diamond Sets Collection >Retro Legend Series >E02

                1. <track id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></track>
                  <tbody id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></tbody>

                  <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track>
                          <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track><menuitem id="kokqw"></menuitem>