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              Kimberlite Diamond 520 “Hearts of Roses” Series Hits the Market


              Love is like a rose that blooms in the heart. The never-fading rose of love outvalues even the sweetest words in the world. Kimberlite Diamond's Hearts of Roses series transforms deep love into gorgeous heart-shaped roses and blossoms, epitomizing the eternal romance and poetry of love.


              Romance in your eyes bid your blossoms in mine.Diamonds blended with heart-shaped rose petals present a patchwork of beauty, and the gorgeous red cold enamel conveys eternal love and romance of a lifetime. While a beautiful diamond is inlaid in the heart of the flower to express eternal love in the language of flowers.


              When a rose bud spreads its perfume, it is saying "I love you".Inspired by blooming roses, these hollowed-out carved roses, revolve and bloom from the heart of the flower to present a delicate heart shape and curling petals which convey a deep and infinite affection, while bright diamonds freeze the dynamic posture of the roses, displaying the blossom of a lasting and fragrant love.


              Each rose holds in its heart a touch of flame that only glows in the eyes of love.The graceful curve outlines a heart-shaped rose swirl, while the center of the petals is dotted with a round diamond stamen, shining resplendently like a dewdrop. The diamond rose blooms beautifully outward from the inside, symbolizing the graceful blossoming of women, just like a flower.


              position:Home>Trend News>Latest News >Kimberlite Diamond 520 “Hearts of Roses” Series Hits the Market

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