1. <track id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></track>
      <tbody id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></tbody>

      <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track>
              <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track><menuitem id="kokqw"></menuitem>
              • Stars Among the Clouds

              As children, we all stared up at the sky and the objects in it with awe and wonder. In this set, the designer creates a minimalist rendering of the profiles of a clouded nighttime sky, and its layered patterning mimics the effect of looking up at the shimmering heavens through a wall of flowing clouds, who pursue and envelop one another in their journeys across the skies in this peaceful and romantic arrangement. The full set includes a necklace with a handbag-shaped pendant, a bracelet, and a set of glasses. Each piece is a fascinating, complex work of art, filled with innocence and grandeur.

              position:Home>High Jewelry >Ultimate Collection >Stars Among the Clouds

              1. <track id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></track>
                <tbody id="kokqw"><div id="kokqw"></div></tbody>

                <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track>
                        <track id="kokqw"><span id="kokqw"></span></track><menuitem id="kokqw"></menuitem>